Rabu, 28 April 2010

My life right nowww :)))

hello guysss

ehmm i don't know what to tell haha

i made a novel called "olilolyland" it's about fantasy and about some mystic creature :)
but it stopped suddenly because suddenly i turned to lazy . Finally until now i never continued my novel.

i have a special story to share to you right now , but i'm gonna use Indonesian because it's easier:

Pas semester 2 , ada anak baru co baru masuk.. pas gw ngeliat dia untuk pertama kali dy itu sepertinya misterius , lumayan cakep, and ok lahhh

tp agak beberapa lama dy mulai terihat anehh suka bengong and telat mulu..
dy punya kepercayaan dy bakal bisa masuk ipa ternyata sampai pd saat ini nilai ipa ips nya ambrukkkk (gubrakkk!)

tmbh lama dikenal ternyata dy itu super duper playboy gw termasuk jd korban sok-kecakepan th orang ga dikedipin , gaya nyium bikin jijik.

saya tak akan menceritakan lebih dari itu.hehe
saya akan mulai menceritakan yg lain

there is a f***ing boy at my class . really i really hate him not just me but my friends think that too
because he has a big body and like to shouting on class , annoying me and my friends . what the hell with your brain , huh?
seems like you are the best on class .
and everything you did is unimportant !

ok enough it's not good to tell something like that in here
ok i'm gonna search for another topic byeeee

5 komentar:

  1. ahahaahai......
    kocak juga cerita u sal,,wkwk
    cakep2 ternyata playboy cap 3 roda (a.k.a bajaj)

    btw,, lanjutin novel u dong sal...
    kalo udah jadi coba terbitin,,siapa tau laku sal... gw beli dah,,,
    wkwkwk.... :D

  2. oh yaaa....
    sering-sering update blog u yaa sal...
    lumayan,, gw bisa tau cerita seputar u ntar :D
    wehehe :D

  3. hey, wats th story of your novel 'bout ? im just wondering..
    visit and follow my blog http://mymindthinkssomething.blogspot.com
    thanks, dear..

  4. debby : ah tw th anak nya anehh aku akan cerita tentang ini di cerita berikutnya tntng anak playboy

    dira and debby: sebenernya gw terobsesi dr alice in wonderland tp gw tba" jd males kita lyt nanti aja jd nya gmana..
